Music Therapy is an efficacious and valid treatment for persons who have psychosocial, affective, cognitive and communicative needs. Research results and clinical experiences attest to the viability of Music Therapy even in those who are resistive to other treatment approaches. Music Therapy for mental health uses musical interaction as a means of communication and self expression. Music is often used as a vehicle for communication by giving feelings a voice, often when it may be difficult to address those feelings using words alone. Music Therapy sessions use active music making, music listening and discussion, music for movement and other art mediums to incorporate a multimodal treatment approach that addresses the whole person.
A Music Therapist can complement an organization by functioning as a member of an interdisciplinary team or co-lead with other therapists and educators to assess emotional well-being, physical health, social functioning, communication abilities, and cognitive skills through musical responses. When individualized music experiences are designed by a Music Therapist to fit functional abilities and needs, responses may be immediate and readily apparent. A Music Therapist also implements programs with groups or individuals that display a vast continuum of needs, from reduction of anxiety to a deeper sense of self awareness and understanding. Music Therapy can supplement other professional practices by providing support for clients experiencing grief and loss, anger and control issues, depression and addiction, stress and anxiety, negative body image and self esteem. Clients need not have a musical background to participate and individuals from any age can benefit from Music Therapy.
Music Therapy Provides Opportunities To:
Find a renewed sense of purpose, self-worth, wholeness, hope, and spirituality
Explore feelings and understand emotions
Increase self-esteem, personal insight and empowerment
Release tears, frustration and anger in a safe environment
Decrease anxiety, tension, agitation, and stress
Make positive changes in mood and emotional states
Increase awareness of self and others to enhance interpersonal relationships
Increase communication skills for verbal and nonverbal expression
Develop healthy coping skills, self care, and learn healthy use of leisure activities
Improve quality of sleep and relaxation
Improve reality testing and problem solving skills
Improve social interaction with others by adopting positive forms of behavior
Develop independence and decision making skills
Increase motivation, improve concentration and attention span
Increase group cohesiveness
Resolve conflict leading to stronger family and peer relationships
Have fun, unleash your creative side, and experience joy engaging in therapy
Experience professional support with over 15 years of compassionate care